Schedule of Topics
Weekly Content
- Week 1 (1/13): Course Overview & Communication Tools
- Week 2 (1/20): Finding and Evaluating Information
- Week 3 (1/27): Intellectual Property
- Week 4 (2/3): Digital Images
- Week 5 (2/10): Visual Design
- Week 6 (2/17): Layout & Composition
- Week 7 (2/24): Critique
- Week 8 (3/2): TBA
- Week 9 (3/23): Digital Audio
- Week 10 (3/30): Digital Video
- Week 11 (4/6): Film Editing
- Week 12 (4/13): Accessibility
- Week 13 (4/20): Conclusions
- Finals Week: Final Presentations
On Tuesday, we’ll review the syllabus, goals, and requirements for class, as well as methods for accessing course materials on both GitHub and myCourses. On Thursday, we’ll discuss communication tools you’ll be using in the class, including Discord, and Google Docs.
Tuesday (1/14)
- Set up your Discord nickname and a post to the #introductions channel.
- Due by Thursday’s class
Thursday (1/16)
- Hands-on practice with both Google Docs and Discord.
- Submit your paper topic to the myCourses dropbox.
- Due by Tuesday’s class
This week we’ll be talking about information–how to find it, and how to evaluate its quality and reliability. On Tuesday, we’ll talk broadly about critically evaluating information online. On Thursday, we’ll focus on research tools and methods, including library resources you can use for your research paper assignment.
Tuesday (1/21)
- 4 Tips for Spotting a Fake News Story
- The Grim Conclusions of the Largest-Ever Study of Fake News
- The Oatmeal: Believe
- (This is the sanitized “classroom” version of the comic; there is also an NSFW original version.)
- Play a web game to test how well you can determine real from fake articles.
Thursday (1/23)
- In this exercise, you will use the NoodleTools resource provided by the RIT Library to create an annotated bibliography, using a topic from the list provided.
- Write the first draft of your paper.
- Due by Next Thursday’s class
As a creative professional, you need to be familiar with the laws governing the use of creative works–that includes not just copyright, but also trademark and patent laws.
Tuesday (1/28)
- Readings
- Copyright in General
- Hacker Lexicon: What is the DMCA?
- Video: A Fair(y) Use Tale
- (a captioned version can be found here:
- Creative Commons: Licensing Considerations
- Homework
- You will work as a group to gether assets for a prototype of a game idea I’ve come up with.
- Due by class on 9/17
Thursday (1/30)
- Exercise
- You will review each other’s paper first draft.
- You will be graded on that wether or not you uploaded your outline and that you reviewed at least two other papers.
- Due by 11:30pm Tonight
This week we’ll talk about the underlying concepts critical to understanding digital images–including resolution, color models, compression, and file formats.
Tuesday (2/4)
- Readings
Thursday (2/6)
- Readings
- Exercise
When creating interactive media–whether it’s a website, a game, or an application–it turns out that looks do matter!
Tuesday (2/11)
- Readings
Thursday (2/13)
- Exercise
Tuesday (2/18)
- Readings
Thursday (2/20)
- Design Poster
- Work on the layout for your Poster
- Next week you will get in your groups to critique each other’s Posters
- Submit your desgin to
First Poster Desgin
assignment folder on myCourses
Tuesday (2/25)
Thursday (2/27)
- Exercise
- Critique of Poster
Tuesday (3/3)
- Workday
- Work on incorporating the feedback you received from your group
- The final Poster is due March 16th at 11:30 PM
Thursday (3/5)
- Tour of MAGIC
- We will go on a tour of MAGIC
- Poster Project
- Due by March 16th at 11:30 PM
- Engadget Primed: Digital Audio Basics
- Digital Audio
- MakeUseOf: Audio File Formats Explained in Simple Terms
- Making The Portal Gun Sound From Scratch
- Making God Of War’s Axe Recall sound with just an iPhone mic
- Learning Audacity
- Audacity Software Download
- Only necessary if you want to do the tutorial on your own computer.
Videos from Lecture
- In today’s exercise you will create some sounds with your voice.
Videos from Lecture
- In this exercise, you will be mashing two different video clips into one coherent story.
- Designing for disability
- This is a playlist of videos we would have watched in class
- Game Accessibility Guidelines: Why and How
- Extra Credits: Accessibility
- MDN: What is accessibility?
- Web Accessibility for Designers
- Designing for disability
This week we’ll discuss the importance of good presentation skills, and look at examples of effective short-form presentations.